RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies


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Labs & Technologies

Division of Bio-Function Dynamics Imaging

We plan to establish a technological platform to design and label molecular probes specific to the suitable molecular targets, which enables the exploration of molecular dynamics inside living organisms. We launch Drug Discovery Chemistry Platform to make optimization of the drug seeds developed inside or outside RIKEN and manage GMP-grade synthesis facilities for clinical studies or clinical trials.

Toward integrative understandings of the biological and cellular functions, we try to develop the novel dynamics imaging technologies for the detection of key element for the specific pathology or various kinds of stem cells to determine the difference between health and disease in animals and humans. We also try to establish the imaging method for realization of drug development and regenerative medicine. 

We elucidate pharmacokinetics and evaluate drug efficacy during drug developmental process, and promote microdosing and exploratory clinical trials in combination with molecular imaging. We will establish a platform to achieve health sciences and preemptive medicine using imaging biomarkers closely related to disease state and ahead sick. In addition, we aim to develop and advance the simultaneous multiple molecular imaging and multi-modal molecular imaging technologies, and the laser assisted molecular imaging and manipulation system.

Division Director
Yasuyoshi Watanabe  M.D., Ph.D

CLST was reorganized into three centers according to the RIKEN 4th Medium-Term Plan from April 1, 2018. For the latest information of Division of Bio-Function Dynamics Imaging, please visit the following websites.

> Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research [http://www.bdr.riken.jp/en/research/index.html]